Monday, October 24, 2011

A weekend of completion

 I had a fabulously productive weekend. To start with, I finished THIS! And I couldn't be happier. I'll have to get some pictures of it on someone because this doesn't show the full effect of my fabulous, big, warm, cozy shawl.

I got a little obsessed with the feather and fan "border". I based the shawl on a pattern I love, Multnomah, but when I got to the feather and fan I just kept going and going and going. I ended up with wonderfully long tails that make it great for wrapping and tying. 

 Next I totally reworked this hat. I had made it based on a pattern, but with different yarn and needles. So my size was WAY off, even though I thought I'd allowed for the differences. The hat ended up about half an inch above Hannah's ears. This version fits perfectly.

And then I finished this hat. No pattern, it's all improvised. Hannah modeled it last night...

And this morning I added the ears. This picture is the closest to the actual color. It's a lovely greenish grey. 

Woohoo! three finished objects on one weekend! And that was besides washing 5 loads of laundry and making cornbread to eat with the butter beans my friend Amy cooked in this...

A wonderful weekend indeed!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin patchin...

 Last Thursday was First Thursday in Buda. The art project for the month was pumpkin art so Hannah and I, along with our young friend Loralei, set off to carve the perfect jack-o-lantern. Here is a step by step in case you want to make your own.

 First you pick the perfect pumpkin. If you are 5 that means the one that calls to you. that does not mean it necessarily fits any of the grown up standards of a perfect pumpkin. (Peace dude signs are optional).

 Next you cut off the top and take out the guts. If you are 5 this is the best part and takes a loooooong time.

 And finally you carve the perfect face. And then you have Matilia the jack-o-lantern who you then insist sleep with you every night. If you are 5, that is!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Meet Hannah....

 ....daughter, animal lover,

 soccer star,

 stylish dresser,

 kayaker, water lover,


 adventurer, best friend,

and future star of the TV show "Hoarders"....

This is a small sample of the more unusual "treasures" I found when changing Hannah's sheets this morning. That's one of my (favorite) shirts, two autographed CD cases, a picture of me and friends at a high school dance, a knitting stitch holder, a pocket coin with a prayer, a die, a charm bracelet, my tweezers, and a paint brush. And let me stress, that's not all that was in her bed, that's the UNUSUAL!!!!